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Imposter Syndrom as an Interior Designer

Have you ever felt like a fraud, even though you know you might be *kinda good* at what you do?

Do you sometimes feel like you don't belong, like you're not as capable as others think you are?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be facing a monster that is called: Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern where people doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as frauds. It's a feeling that affects many people, and it's especially common among high-achievers. The more successful you are, the more likely you feel like an imposter.

But here's the thing: you're not alone. Even the most successful people have felt like imposters at some point in their lives. In fact, the great Albert Einstein himself suffered from Imposter Syndrome. When I found out about that, it made me feel so relieved. If Einstein, one of the smartest people ever, felt like a fraud, then it's okay if we do too sometimes.

The good news is that Imposter Syndrome is something you can overcome. The first step is to identify it. Once you know what you're dealing with, you can start acting to overcome it. It's like playing a video game: you have to know what the final boss is before you can defeat it.

So, if you're feeling like an imposter right now, remember that it's just a feeling. It doesn't define who you are or what you're capable of. You've achieved so much already, and you deserve to be where you are.

Being aware of Imposter Syndrome and knowing that you're not alone can help you overcome it and confidently move forward.

Here are 10 tips to overcome imposter syndrome as an interior designer:

  1. Recognize that you are not alone. Imposter syndrome is a common feeling among high-achievers.

  2. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

  3. Keep a record of positive feedback from clients and colleagues to remind yourself of your capabilities.

  4. Reframe negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.

  5. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your abilities.

  6. Focus on your strengths and what sets you apart from others in your field.

  7. Embrace opportunities to learn and grow, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone.

  8. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has their journey and path to success.

  9. Practice self-care and prioritize your mental health.

  10. Remember that mistakes and failures are a natural part of the learning process. Don't let them define you or your abilities.

Remember, you are a talented interior designer and you deserve to be where you are. Keep pushing forward and don't let imposter syndrome hold you back.

You got this!

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Comments (6)

Nawara Adra
Apr 09

Great effort, best of luck in the course as well 🙌🏻


Jan 21

🤩 Thank you!


Dec 30, 2023

thank you !


Dec 20, 2023

Love this! thank you.


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Oct 03, 2022

amazing..super detailed for every step! thanks for sharing Aseel

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